So, you're thinking about making your final arrangements? This checklist will help you make sure every detail is handled properly.
Now that you've figured out the details, it's time to make sure they're carried out. Take the time to assign responsibility for each task on your list.
But, honestly, there’s an easier way. Use our online tool, PreArrange Online. It’s just four steps – and you can revisit it at any time to revise your plan, because you’ll create an account with a log-in name and password.
All the information you provide will be held in strict confidence, because your privacy is as important to us as it is to you.
Have questions about pre-planning? Give us a call. We’ll help you take care of all the details – and there’s absolutely no cost or obligation for this service.
We understand it's not always possible to pay respects in person, & hope that this will help.
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